How to Enjoy Surfing As a Beginner
May 6, 2023

Assuming you have never surfed before, here are some tips to help you enjoy your first time out. The most important thing is to have fun and not take yourself too seriously – everyone falls off their board at some point!


Before you even get in the water, it’s a good idea to spend some time watching other people surf and getting an idea of how it’s done. Once you’re in the water, start by paddling out to where the waves are breaking. When you see a wave coming, lie on your stomach on your board and paddle hard to catch it.

Once you’re up on the wave, stand up slowly – it takes a bit of practice to stay balanced! – and ride it all the way into shore. And that’s it – you’re surfing! Just keep practicing and soon you’ll be riding those waves like a pro.

The best beaches for beginners

If you’re new to surfing, the best beaches for beginners are those with smaller waves and a more gradual slope. This allows you to get used to the feel of surfing and standing up on your board without being in danger of being pulled out by a big wave. Once you’ve mastered the basics, you can move on to bigger and more challenging waves.

Some of the best beaches for beginners include Bondi Beach in Sydney, Australia; Waikiki Beach in Honolulu, Hawaii; and Trestles Beach in San Clemente, California. These beaches offer a variety of conditions that are perfect for learning how to surf.

The equipment you need

In order to enjoy surfing for a beginner, you need the following equipment:

– A surfboard: You can either rent or purchase a surfboard. If you are just starting out, it is recommended that you rent a surfboard so that you can get a feel for the sport and decide if it is something you would like to pursue. There are different types of surfboards available depending on your level of experience, so be sure to consult with a professional before making a purchase.

– A wetsuit: A wetsuit is necessary to keep you warm while you are surfing. The water temperature can vary depending on where you are surfing, so be sure to check the local conditions before heading out. Wetsuits come in different thicknesses depending on how cold the water is, so again, consult with a professional before making a purchase.

– A leash: A leash is attached to your surfboard and prevents it from getting away from you while you are surfing. Leashes come in different lengths depending on the size of your board, so be sure to choose one that is appropriate.

– Wax: Wax helps you keep your footing on the board and prevents you from slipping. Be sure to apply wax regularly to your board, especially before going out surfing. There are different types of wax available depending on the conditions you will be surfing in (e.g., cold water vs. warm water).

Tips for enjoying your surfing experience

Assuming you have the basic equipment and know-how to surf, here are a few tips on how to make the most of your surfing experience:

1. Start with small waves: Don’t go out and try to surf the biggest waves right away. Start with small, manageable waves so you can get a feel for riding them. Once you’re comfortable doing that, you can move on to bigger waves.

2. Paddle out with someone experienced: Paddling out into the lineup can be daunting, especially if you’re not sure where you’re supposed to go. If possible, paddle out with someone who’s familiar with the area and can help guide you.

3. Be patient: Surfing is a lot about waiting for the right wave to come along. Don’t get frustrated if you don’t catch anything right away – just relax and enjoy being in the water.

4. Have fun: At the end of the day, surfing is all about having fun. Don’t take it too seriously and just enjoy yourself!


Surfing is a great way to have fun and get some exercise. It can be intimidating for newbies but with the right attitude, knowledge and techniques, it is possible to enjoy surfing in no time. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced surfer, start off small by practicing on smaller waves before attempting bigger ones. Watching videos of experienced surfers can also help you gain confidence as well as tips and tricks that will help improve your technique. Above all else, take it easy and have fun!