4 Tips on Choosing the Perfect Garden Spade
April 24, 2023

A garden spade is a tool that is used for edging, digging, and transplanting. It has a long, curved blade. The blade is attached to a wooden handle. Garden spades come in different sizes, but the most common size is about 12 inches wide.


Garden spades are essential tools for anyone who wants to have a beautiful garden. They are used to dig holes for planting, to edge flower beds, and to transplant trees and shrubs. Garden spades make it easy to create neat lines and borders in your garden. They are also useful for breaking up compacted soil and aerating lawns.

It is important to select one that is the right size for your needs. If you need a garden spade for generalpurpose gardening tasks, then a 12-inch wide blade will suffice. For larger jobs such as digging trenches or transplanting trees, you will need a wider blade. It is also important to choose a garden spade with a comfortable handle. Some handles are made of wood, while others are made of metal or plastic. Whichever material you choose, make sure that the handle is comfortable to grip and that it will not slip in your hand when you are using the tool.

The different types of Garden Spades

There are many different types of garden spades, each designed for a specific task. Here is a rundown of the most popular types:

1. The Digging Spade: This type of spade is designed for digging holes and breaking up soil. It has a sharp, pointed blade that makes it easy to penetrate tough soil. The handle is usually long, so that you can get good leverage when using it.

2. The Edging Spade: This type of spade is narrower than a digging spade and has a rounded blade. It’s used for edging beds and borders, as well as making clean straight cuts in turf.

3. The Transplanting Spade: This type of spade has a small, sharp blade that makes it easy to dig around delicate plants without giving damage to their roots. It’s also great for transplanting seedlings and small plants.

4. The Soil Knife: This type of spade looks more like a knife than a traditional spade. It has a long, thin blade that’s great for slicing through compacted soil and opening up drainage channels.

Which type of Garden Spade is best for you?

There are many different types of garden spades available, so it can be difficult to know which one is best for you. Here are some tips to help you choose one:

1. First, consider what type of gardening you’ll be doing. If you’re only going to be doing light gardening, such as planting flowers or small vegetables, then a basic shovel will suffice. However, if you’re planning on doing more heavy-duty gardening, such as digging trenches or turning over soil, then you’ll need a sturdier shovel.

2. Second, take into account the size of your gardening area. If you have a large garden, then you’ll need a larger shovel to cover more ground. Conversely, if you have a small garden, then a smaller shovel will do the trick.

3. Third, think about the material of the shovel blade. Shovels with metal blades are more durable and can handle more tough digging tasks; however, they’re also more expensive. If you’re on a budget, then plastic or wooden shovels are good options.

4. Fourth, pay attention to the handle of the shovel. You want a handle that’s comfortable to grip and won’t slip out of your hand when wet. Also make sure that the handle is the right length for your height – too short and it’ll be uncomfortable to use; too long and it’ll be unwieldy.